Originally from Australia, Annie King and her family found themselves living in the United States over 20 years ago. Through a series of serendipitous events including studying Plant Spirit Medicine, she became involved in the building of the Sacred Fire Community through supporting community fires. From the first ones held in the US in September 2001, around the event of 9/11, the fires have spread across the world, and become a place of solace and transformation. Annie is grateful for this opportunity to support this work, and honored to work with the Firekeepers dedicated to bringing Fire to their people. Annie has taught yoga, meditation and stress management in schools and hospitals and private settings both in Australia and the US, offers retreats, and has a healing practice in Florence, SC. She is fortunate to have been initiated as a granicera in the Nahua weather working tradition, and is in the process of becoming a tepahtiani, a healer, in that tradition. She feels incredibly grateful for her loving husband, and her family that now includes two grandchildren that bring her immense joy.